The revenue in the Magazines and Newspapers market is projected to reach US$163.70bn in 2024 worldwide. They inspire, inform, educate and entertain audiences across the globe. There are mainly three types of magazines which are: Consumer, Trade and Organization magazines. These main types of magazines have different genres and sub-genres that this post will discuss.
Consumer Magazines: They are targeted to the general public and have a wide audience and viewpoint. Consumer magazines are often referred to as "glossies," especially by those in the publishing world because they are usually printed on glossy paper since advertisers (from BMW to Gucci) want to showcase their products by highlighting and complementing the photographic content.
Sub-Genres of Consumer Magazines:
1. News and General Interest Magazines:
This is an umbrella term for magazines that cover topics the public would generally be interested in. These publications explore more creative layout styles as compared to newspapers that have a journalistic writing style. AARP Bulletin, for example, is an example of these types of magazines. Its contents include magazine articles and news topics such as financial management, health, politics, and opinion pieces. Other examples of these magazines are, TIMES, Newsweek, Outlook, India Today and The Week.
A business magazine helps readers and new entrepreneurs stay ahead with unique insights and in-depth analysis on the people, companies, events, and trends shaping today's global economy. It also helps in finding new ideas and advice on strategy, innovation, saving, spending, investment and leadership from the world's best business and management experts. In addition to this, business magazines also help local businesses stay on top of all the latest trends in the industry; they lend a hand to growing business by providing them with opportunities to build connections with other businesses in the market. Some of the top business magazines include, The Economist, Forbes, Inc, Fortune, and Fast Company etc.
3. Travel Magazines:
Travel magazines are often referred to as travel portals with highly informative, upbeat and inspirational articles for people who love to travel. They allow their readers to experience life in parts of the world that they may not have been to. Their content often includes travelogues, imagery, guides, and recommendations etc. National Geographic, Escapism Travel Magazine and The Sunday Times Travel Magazine are some of the examples of this genre.
4. Food and Cooking Magazines:
These food magazines are not just mere instruction manuals but in reality a critical guide to the world of food. They are smart advisors containing detailed information about food and its impacts on the body. They provide readers with recipes, product reviews, and tips and tricks for food preparation or storage. They may also have interviews of popular chefs on their pages. Some popular magazines in this genre are Food Network Magazine, Taste of Home, EatingWell Magazine, and Relish.
5. Fashion Magazines:
Fashion magazines are considered to be an essential component of the fashion industry and staples of pop culture that detail the latest trends and fashion news while also providing advice on how to accessorize or recreate particular makeup looks. They are the medium that conveys and promotes the design's vision to the eventual purchaser. Cosmopolitan, Elle, Vogue, Marie Claire and GQ are among the top 10 best fashion magazines.
6. Technology Magazines:
These build a community for the global technology industry. It keep the target audience engaged by updating them on the latest trends and releases within the industry while also offering product reviews and tutorials. Wired, PC Gamer, and Popular Mechanics are a staple in many households today.
Trade Magazines:
By definition, trade magazines are also known and trade journal whose target audience is people who work in a particular industry. Trade publications are magazines that inform members of particular industries about news, such as the latest technological advancements, methods, and practices. Trade magazines provide an excellent tool for brands who want to reach a niche audience with their advertisements. For example, if you promote farming equipment, advertising in a trade publication for farmers will bring you directly to your target audience. Due to the level of specialization, the information within a trade journal often has a strong level of trust from its readership. This allows it to be a resource for those within the industry and those outside who want to learn more about that particular trade. Examples of trade journals include Police Chief, Education Digest, Energy Weekly News, Aviation Week and Space Technology, Engineering News Record, Design News, and Traffic World.
Organization Magazines:
These are the types of magazines a reader may get as a member of an organization, society, or employee. They are designed as a communications tool to keep their audience informed of important policies and changes. There are three sub-categories for these magazines which are:
Association and Society Magazines: These are often provided as part of the membership in the organization. The purpose of these magazines is mainly to enhance the organization as they can provide unity and a forum to discuss issues and to draw members closer to one another. These may carry advertisements, and they may be sold through reader subscriptions.
Public Relations: Traditionally these magazines do not have advertisements and are provided at no cost to the readers. Organizations and companies publish these for self-promotion to manage and disseminate information of an organization to the public in order to influence their perception. For example, an internal publication may target the employees of a company to keep them abreast of the progress of the company and help them to feel a part of it, while an external publication may target the same company's clients to explain how the company works and to provide a better understanding of the company's philosophy or mission.
Custom or Sponsored Magazines: The purpose of a custom magazine is to promote or enhance the use of a company's products. These are provided free of charge, but they may be also be sold on news stands or through subscriptions. A client may receive a magazine of this type as a result of purchasing a particular product or using a particular service. For example, the in-flight magazines that are provided by airlines are designed to keep the passengers occupied and to make the flight more pleasant. It may be obvious who the sponsor is, or a company may team up with a consumer magazine to create a more subtle approach. Advertisements are usually part of these magazines, and advertisements from other companies may be included as well.