Designing this magazine has been a very enlightening experience. For someone who was intimidated by software like Adobe Photoshop, being able to work on this software and draft something of my own from scratch has been an amazing journey. As I look back, I obviously see the improvements I can make in this. However, that only goes on to show the progress I have made as a media student to be able to keep learning and moving forward.
Due to this magazine, I have gotten a better grip of these softwares, and it takes me less time to design something from scratch. It's given me the confidence and the skill to design my original ideas and be proud of it.
In terms of the syllabus content, I've gotten familiar with the professional tips and tricks that I can use to start up my own work in the field.
I look forward to more projects like these where I can learn and transform my skills, which in my opinion are a necessity in order to be able to move around in the world.